10 Tourist Attractions to Visit in Bungoma

Discover the heartland of the Bukusu

Bungoma Luxury Travel Ideas

10 Tourist Attractions to Visit in Bungoma – Bungoma County, located in western Kenya is one of the highly populated areas in western Kenya. Just like many counties in western Kenya, Bungoma is home to culture and traditions. The inhabitants of this region (mainly Bukusu) are staunch custodians of their culture and beliefs. This article has covered natural features in Bungoma County, which are both local and international tourist attractions.

Bungoma is the one of the best counties of Kenya that you should explore if you get a chance to visit Kenya.  Several tribes characterize Bungoma and it is one of the densely populated areas of Kenya. The biggest weapon and attractive aspect of the Bungoma country in Kenya is cultural tourism. The county is full of traditions and customs and the Luhya community members dominate the country. Bungoma is known as the place harboring people, with places of interests that hold the truthful meaning and those that are mysterious to the residents.

There are many geological features in Bungoma County and all these features are best tourism destinations. These attractions are so unique especially if you get time to listen to the entertaining stories as narrated by the people residents. Below, we  have a compilation of the attractions found in Bungoma such that when you get a chance to visit Kenya you shouldn’t miss the opportunity of exploring for the cultural experience.

Bungoma’s Top Tourists Attractions

#1. Namunya Cave

The interesting caves evoke the fear and love situation among the residents of the Bungoma. This cave was used during the precolonial periods as the Bukusu land, which was used as the worshiping grounds for the people to their ancestor.

As per the local narration, it is believed that the public figures of the Bukusu community who was identified as Wkhuluunya and Namunyu Lubunda   died and were later buried in the Namunya cave and this raised spirits into the cave. The Legion of Maria sect members uses Namunyi cave as the places where they go on specific time and have their prayers but most of the local people around tend to fear this place and they always tend to keep a distance and therefore you can also come and enjoy such stories as you explore Bungoma County.

Located on the foot slopes of Kenya’s second highest peak, Mount Elgon is the feature of the footprint that is deeply inscribed on the huge boulder. The native community here believe that this footprint belong to Jesus and any local member will tell you this wonderful story. While a close look at the footprint, you will notice that there is also a feature that has similar looks like the knee print and this comes in two markings. To most of the local people and the local community here, they believe that at one time Jesus passed through these areas and thus he left his footprints here which he made as he was praying.

#2. Visit the “Jesus” Footprints

#3. Kitum Caves

Elephants in Kitum cave at night heading for the salt lick. The Kitum cave is found on Mount Elgon, an extinct shield volcano and the cave itself developed as the result of cooling volcanic rock. The cave, which extends some 600 feet into the mountain, has walls covered in salt.

Every night, buffaloes, antelope, leopards, hyenas, and elephants tumble blindly through the cave in the dead of night to use it as a communal salt lick.

As the elephants make their way through the salty walls of the cave, they scrape and pull off chunks of the walls to crush and lick up the salt using their massive tusks. Over the centuries, this has resulted in a noticeable increase in the size of the cave and walls covered in tusk marks.

Being the catchment of the Malakisi River among other rivers, Mount Elgon is a vital ecosystem to the farming community. River Malakisi flows past Kimaeti just a walkable distance from Bungoma- Malaba highway, and there lies a wonderful attraction that many have failed to understand. As the river plunges on its way to Uganda and makes a thundering sound through the rocks before it disappears and later it reappears 500 meters away from the spot where it disappeared and now it continues normally with the flow. Due to this mystery, the place was named Daraja La Mungu which is Swahili name meaning the “Bridge of God”.

#4. Discover Daraja La Mungu “Bridge of God”

#5. Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon is an extinct shield volcano on the border of Uganda and Kenya, north of Kisumu and west of Kitale. The mountain’s highest point, named “Wagagai”, is located entirely within Uganda. Although there is no verifiable evidence of its earliest volcanic activity, geologists estimate that Mount Elgon is at least 24 million years old, making it the oldest extinct volcano in East Africa. The mountain’s name originates from its Maasai name, Elkonyi

Visitors will explore its vast forests, see elephants and caves and engage in activities such as rock hiking, bird watching and wildlife viewing. The park is home to hundreds of elephants, monkey species and birds with hundreds of species to watch such as Moorland Francolin, Moustached green Tinkerbird, Alpine Chat, and the rare Lammergeyer (now endangered) among others. Guests can also explore numerous waterfalls, bamboo forests and rare tree species among others.

It is a solid volcanic rock located in the Kanduyi, about 20 km from Bungoma town. This great rock is over 300 feet above the ground and covers an area of over 20 km in circumference. While at the top, enjoy sweeping views of Bungoma, Webuye, and Tororo Uganda among others. There are also springs emanating from the rock. Tourists who love rock climbing will find this an interesting place to spend a day.

#6. Mwibale rock

#7. Nabuyole Falls (Broderick Falls)

Located about 10 km from Webuye town in a village of Nabuyole, the falls were originally known as Broderick Falls during the colonial period. It got its name after the first white man who visited the locals and fell in love with the falls. The base of the falls is so serene with three tributaries formed where the fall emanates, forming a beautiful sight to view and admire. This place is open to public all year round.

This is a huge rock in Namwacha village, about 20 km from Bungoma and is a major attraction to both local and international tourists. The footprints of Mulia, a Bukusu seer is the main attraction. Tales have it that Mulia was a great man with extraordinary powers. It is believed that he stepped on the rock leaving his footprints behind. There are other footprints on the same rock believed to be of his son, wife and perhaps some of his domestic animals and wild animals. This is the best place to visit and hear the tales of the great Mulia.

#8. Sikele sya Mulia

#9. Sang'alo Hills

Sangalo Rocks, a noteworthy roadside attraction in and by itself, most tourists to Bungoma take in a tour of the distinguished Sangalo Rock in combination with Buteyo Miti Park and Mwibale Wa Mwanja. At close quarters, Sangalo Rocks offer pleasing scenery and a lovely daytrip  opportunity.

Unlike the Mwibale Wa Mwanja, which is a massive granite monolith, the Sangalo Rocks are a castle-like structure set against the backdrop of yet more large granite boulders. They appear as prominent rocks on the top of a hill on the left as you drive from Bungoma to Mumias. Although the dispersal of these large and oddly shaped rocks is obviously random, sculpted by erosion over centuries, locals and visitors have always sought to put logical order to this organized chaos of nature.

This gives the history of the Bukusu clan where legend has it that hundreds of legendary Bukusu clan members died during the war between white men and the native, in 1895. It is named after the owner of the land on top of the hill Chetambe Ifile where natives built the fort of stonewalls known as ‘Olukoba Iwa Chetambe’ built by the Tachoni community living on the hills for hiding time during the war. It gives the history of the Luhya at the different periods and times of war to the colonial powers. Chetambe helped the community members to build a strong fort with two gates one in the East and the other in the Southern part where community animals and people lived in safety. 

#10. Chetambe
Fort ruins

Keen on Bungoma Trip Ideas?

10 Tourist Attractions to Visit in Bungoma
Visit Mount elgon National Park

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