Luxury Maasai Mara Tours From Kisumu

Kenya's #1 Attraction

Luxury Maasai Mara wildlife Safaris & Holidays from Kisumu

Located in the Great Rift Valley in the southwest part of Kenya, Maasai Mara National Reserve is the flagship wildlife conservancy of Kenya. It’s known as the mother of all wildlife parks, reserves and conservancies, making Maasai Mara is an ideal place for you to see the African big five, namely elephant, Black rhino, lion, leopard, and buffalo in all their natural habitat.

Maasai Mara is paradise for wildlife, you will also get to spot other animals like wildebeest especially in big herds during the migration, topi, gazelles, elands, zebra, antelope, giraffe, warthogs, ostrich, hyena, jackals, cheetah, and many more. Dominated by grassland savannah, the pockets of riverine forest, rocky hills, and acacia woodland intersperse the expansive plains. Maasai Mara is world-famous for the annual wildebeest migration in which 2 million wildebeest, gazelles, and zebras follow the rains searching for pasture and water.

Maasai Mara’s perfect location has also made it a favourite location for the ‘Big Cat Diaries,’ the popular series on BBC. For bird lovers, Maasai Mara has over 450 bird species adding to it already diverse wildlife. Birds like the Maasai Ostrich, Black-bellied Bustard, Secretary Bird, Grey-crowned Crane, Kori Bustard, Sooty Chat, Rufous-bellied Heron, Southern Ground Hornbill, Bateleur and many more. At any time of the year, a Maasai Mara Safari will offer you an opportunity to experience not only breathtaking sceneries but also stunning wildlife sightings and close encounters with the Maasai, the local host community.

Best Maasai Mara Luxury Safaris from Kisumu

#1. The Great Wildebeest Migration Safari

Beyond the beauty of Lake Victoria, the colorful tribes and the islands, lies the hidden gem of Ruma National Park – Beyond the beauty of Lake Victoria, the lake region tribes and the islands, lies the hidden gem of Ruma National Park. This is Western Kenya’s only terrestrial park  with promises of undiscovered wildlife treasures and undisturbed peace.

Ruma, is the only sanctuary for the endangered Roan Antelopes in Kenya. While its birdlife is prolific, it plays a vital role in the survival of the globally threatened Blue Swallow and also a bunch of other bird species that are unique to western Kenya.

According to the Kenya Wildlife Service, Blue swallows, which depend on moist grassland to feed and roost, arrive in Kenya from their breeding grounds in South Africa around April and return in September.

Well known for its large populations of lion, leopard and cheetah, dense herds of plains game, the Maasai Mara is famous for the annual the great wildebeest migration.  During this natural phenomenon, about 2 million wildebeests, zebra and Thomson’s gazelle traverse the Serengeti Plains ecosystem in search of fresh grasses elsewhere.

Every year, these herds cross the Mara River as they move into the Maasai Mara between July and October, a sought-after safari event that pits hoofed game against the merciless Nile crocodiles in the water and a handful of lions and other big cats on the bushes along the river banks.

On a new twist, there is also a smaller migration of about 700,000 wildebeests that come from the adjacent Loita Hills. As much is the migration goes, it could be still a small fraction of what really draws tourist to the Maasai Mara. Delving deep to the rich wildlife beyond the famous big cats, there are elephants, cape buffalos, and a smaller population of the Black rhino. Hippos and crocodiles lurk in abundance in the murky pools with more bursting in fool life in the Sand, Talek and the Mara rivers.

#2. Maasai Mara
Wildife Safari

#3. Birdwatching in The Maasai Mara

With over 500 species of birds found here, Maasai Mara National Reserve is one of the best places for birdwatching in Kenya. Most notable here are the raptors, of which there are over 50 species in the Reserve! The Usambiro barbet found here is endemic to the Maasai Mara and Serengeti ecosystem. Other than these, you can also spot sooty chats, kori bustards, giant kingfishers, yellow-mantled widow birds and the near-endemic grey-crested helmet-shrikes.

Maasai Mara National Reserve hass all the three of Serengeti Plains and one of the eight species of the Kenya Mountains bird endemic species that occur in Kenya. Seven globally threatened species have also been recorded here; they include the Madagascar Pond-Heron, Pallid Harrier, Jackson’s Widowbird, Red-throated Tit, Grey-crested Helmet-shrike, Corncrake, and Lesser Kestrel. Regionally threatened species include Circaetus cinerascens, Hieraaetus ayresii, Anhinga rufa, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis, Trigonoceps occipitalisPolemaetus bellicosus, Stephanoaetus coronatusCoturnix adansonii which is a rare intra-African migrant, Buphagus africanus, Casmerodius albusPodica senegalensis, Neotis denhami, Scotopelia peli, and Porzana pusilla.

The Mara’s extensive grasslands are a stronghold for the threatened, migratory Corncrake and the threatened, restricted-range Jackson’s widowbird. The woodlands around the reserve are probably the centre of abundance for the vulnerable, restricted range Grey-crested Helmet-shrike. The restricted-range Rufous-tailed Weaver has recently been sighted within the reserve, near the southern border, and may be expanding its range northwards.

Other spectacular bird species to be found here include 12 species of cisticola and 53 birds of prey. out. During the migration, large numbers of Palearctic migrants winter in the area, including Caspian Plover and the White Stork among other species.

Hot Air Balloon Safari in Africa – For those who are considering an authentic African luxury safari, there are few experiences that complement watching the migrating herds of wildebeest or zebra from a hot air balloon as the sun soars with golden tinges on the vast savannas of Africa.

This extraordinary classical aerial adventure offers a lifetime unique perspective and above all, the first-grade wildlife and sceneries photographic unmatched opportunities! Capture unlimited memorable moments as you enjoy game viewing at another level that liberates sense of space that only comes with destinations like the Maasai Mara in Kenya and the Serengeti Plains in Tanzania.

Floating leisurely from above, you will notice wildlife trails made by generations of animals, impossible to see from the ground. Your early morning balloon’s altitude will vary from almost ground level to over 300 meters, offering various perspectives throughout the flight duration. Very knowledgeable pilots pilot the balloons and they are passionate conservationists. After your hour’s flight, you’ll land on a very delicious champagne breakfast in the bush as you reflect your sweet moments!

#4. Maasai Mara
Balloon Safari

#5. Meet The Maasai

Arguably, the Maasai is the single most iconic tribe in Africa. The Maasai have their unique nomadic culture and way of life not to mention their traditional dress of red or brightly colored ”shukas” or body drapes.

The Maasai have been under pressure from the Kenyan government to give up their traditional, semi-nomadic lifestyle, and their grazing lands have been eaten into by park boundaries and land privatization, but they have survived through a combination of grit and diversification. They have demanded grazing rights to many of the national parks and have been involved in the ownership and management of private conservancies that border these state-run wildlife parks.

Looking at this opportunity, many Maasai tribal leaders have embraced the commercial possibilities of tourism, by welcoming guests into their villages to learn about traditional Maasai life. In return, this allows the Maasai to continue to preserve their traditions, while also creating revenue for the entire community and equipping their children for better life. As a result, many Maasai still keep herds of cattle, sheep and goats, perform age-old rites of passage, and live off grid in traditional manyattas – a compound of huts built of sticks, cow dung and mud.

The neighboring conservancies that surround the Maasai Mara act as buffer zones and also wildlife migration corridors between the Maasai Mara National Reserve and the surrounding community owned lands, where cattle graze year-round. While the Maasai Mara National Reserve  is the key area for the great wildebeest migration, there is also plentiful resident wildlife inside the reserve, that lives here year round and gains more space to roam with these adjacent conservancies.

Most of these wildlife conservancies belong to Maasai communities, private conservationists and some exist with leasing them to some top responsible safari companies they can create additional revenue while the land also is protected. It’s a win-win for nature and people!

Privacy is the huge advantage for visiting and staying in the wildlife conservancies. In Maasai Mara for example, it’s open to the general public for all the camp and lodge guests, and also for day visitors, who stay outside the national reserve. On the other hand, wildlife conservancies around the Maasai Mara are exclusive to guests, who stay at one of the camps or lodges within the conservancy.

Like most wildlife conservancies in Africa, conservancies around the Maasai Mara offer a more relaxed and exclusive African luxury safari experience. With a limited number of guest that also results to a relatively low vehicular number, the advantage is that off road driving is allowed within the conservancies. This doesn’t apply to the Maasai Mara National Reserve.

It’s also possible to go on guided nature walks or a detailed long walk for the day. In some conservancies, you can enjoy your wildlife viewing on a horseback and sign it off with a night game drive where it will be possible to see some of the most elusive and rare wildlife. In brief, wildlife conservancies allow guests to enjoy a personalized closer wildlife encounters.

#6. Luxury Safari in the Conservancies

#7. Maasai Mara Honeymoon Safari

Africa is an amazing destination and wildlife galore in the Maasai Mara perfectly fits the bill for the idyllic romantic safari. Maasai Mara offers the perfect combination of safari adventure and romance.

Your honeymoon itinerary combines 5 nights in the Maasai Mara. This is at one of our favourite Maasai Mara safari lodges that’s perched at the top of the escarpment that overlooking the world famous Mara Triangle. The views are to die for, and it makes an excellent base for a romantic safari in the Maasai Mara.

Capture your imagination with miles and miles of golden grasslands extending all the way to the sky in the distance. Get mesmerized with flocks of birds flying towards the dotted acacia trees in the horizon in search of roosting spot for the night.

Think of the towering giraffe, zebra, and buffalo shadows as the orange African sun sets. Warthog tails protrude above the grass like the aerials of a car looking for refuge. As day changes to evening, the sky is beautifully colored with pink and orange hues. The sky turns from blue to black, as the first dazzling stars start to glimmer.

The sounds of the night take over and so are the night creatures… If this sounds like what you think about Africa, then it’s that moment that we need to talk about your honeymoon safari in the Maasai Mara.

The Maasai Mara is one of the most highly sought-after wildlife conservation and wilderness areas in Africa. It’s a fantastic destination to visit for families looking to explore unique landscapes and see extraordinary animal species alongside the Maasai community.

Located in southwestern Kenya, the Maasai Mara has remained as one of the key safari destinations within Kenya. This is where most safari guests come to and rightfully for the ultimate Africa wildlife luxury safari. During the great wildebeest migration, the plains of the Maasai Mara team with wildlife on the move. Every year, millions of wildebeest and zebras cross the Mara River in search of pasture and water.

Seeing these fascinating creatures in real life can be a wonderful way to bond and forge unforgettable memories together as a family, as well as teach the little ones about the world’s unique ecosystems and wildlife species.

However, a visit to Maasai Mara with the family also comes with an extensive list of things to consider, including safety, childcare, and entertaining those of varying age ranges.

So, where is the best place to stay in Maasai Mara with kids? Speak with us to learn more on our specifically curated list of the most captivating safari camps and lodges to stay in the area with children. 

#8. Maasai Mara
Family Safari

#9. Maasai Mara & Lake Victoria Safari

Having a combination of both Lake Victoria and Maasai Mara is the best way to appreciate the beauty of Kenya. Known for its spectacular photos of the sunrise and sunset, the lakeside city of Kisumu calls for more than a couple of days during your visitation. From its humid temperate climate to its laid-back city life where its Luo community is well reputed for its warm hospitality, Kisumu offers more than just an urban city.

From the calmness and its welcoming atmosphere to its sunsets over the world’s second-largest water body, Lake Victoria, we will continue to the Maasai Mara Game Reserve. This is Kenya’s finest, and most outstanding wildlife sanctuary where gentle rolling grassland ensures that wildlife are never out of sight at any time of the year.

The climate is gentle, rarely too hot, and well-spread rainfall year-round. The sensation of the great wildebeest migration between July and October is unparalleled as number of cats that come with it. In the Maasai Mara, the wildlife is far from confined within the reserve boundaries and an even larger area extends beyond the game reserve.

Centuries of close association with the wildlife have resulted in an almost symbiotic relationship where wildlife and Maasai people live in peace with one another. The first sight of this game reserve is breathtaking. There is nowhere else on earth to compare with this wildlife marvel.

Kisumu city has a rich history, with ‘Port Florence’ dating back to the start of the 1900. The communities living around the lake have maintained aspects of their culture and learning about it all is an interesting experience.

Points of interest where you can learn about the culture include the Kisumu Museum where attributes of the people including dressing, housing, food and farming, fishing and hunting tools are exhibited.

Further afield, a visit to Kit Mikayi, Luanda Magere Site and Grave and Kogelo Village (birthplace of President Barack Obama’s father) are also quite popular day excursions.

The prehistoric sites at Fort Songhor and the Kanjira Prehistoric site and hot springs (Bala Rawi) where you can boil eggs might also be of interest to you if your time permits.

From the laid back Kisumu city atmosphere, you could explore the Impala Park by lakeshore, go for bird wathing in the expansive swamps, take a hike to the numerous hills, explore Maseno and the equator point, go for fishing expeditions or explore the wilderness of Kakamega Forest National Reserve and if you have more time visiting Ruma National Park for a relaxing wildlife safari would be more ideal.

#10. Private Maasai Mara Safari From Kisumu

Keen on Luxury Maasai Mara Safaris From Kisumu?

Luxury Maasai Mara Tours From Kisumu
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Entrust our experts to plan your Maasai Mara safari experience from Kisumu 

Are you in or planning to visit Kisumu for a business meeting, leisure or one of those big conferences? Oluokos Signature team is available to organize for you customized memorable Kisumu, Kenya excursions and safaris. You can also explore other parts of Kenya and beyond with us.

Text/Call: +254755124643

For any further assistance, be it photography, cultural tours, wildlife safari, where to watch birds in Kisumu or even more information about us, or anything else, kindly do not hesitate to get in to reach us on +254755124643 or via our website Oluokos Signature

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