Sustainable Travel


Sustainbale Travel

It's Everyone's Responsibility...

Sustainable Travel – At Oluokos Signature, we frequently monitor the social, economic and environmental impact of our experience executions to ensure we are at the forefront of a responsible and ethical tourism in the industry.

We aim to work collaboratively with our partners and suppliers who we view as an integral part of stakeholders in the natural and cultural experiences we offer.

By the nature of our operations in a responsible way, we contribute significantly to local economies, communities and to the protection of wildlife and ecosystems.

Admitting that we do not employ people on the ground directly, our carefully selected suppliers employ local naturalists, experience guides, safari guides and specialists whose activities support and sustain their environment in a responsible manner. Please, read more about Oluokos Low Impact Travel

Our Communities

Our Nature Custodians Beyond the fences…

Every fragile ecosystem is somebody’s home. Empowering local communities through ecotourism is every conservationist’s obligation. For an ecosystem to remain successful it relies on the community that benefits from initiatives supported by responsible conservation practice. Some of these benefits include good health, sanitation, access to education, resilient cultures, strong social infrastructures, food security, and indirect benefits.

Part of a holistic solution to a problem that if left unchecked could result in having to restock our wildernesses in the next few years’ time. Through ecotourism, we’ve designed this solution to tackle poverty, protect communities, conserve nature, and effect cultural change only where it’s absolutely necessary.

For us, ensuring that we have the greatest impact has meant Oluokos creating its own signature footprint. We treasure our community; we’re dearly attached to nature as we depend on it for our lifelong income. The success of our approach requires three vital ingredients: conservation, commerce, and community. It’s only through your support that we can achieve these. Please, move forward and support us today.

Sustainable Travel
Communities in Tourism

Our Philosophy…

Our concept of responsible tourism emerged a few years ago. This was after the concept of sustainable development, and is imbricated in the global environmental movement as “tourism in natural areas that meets the choices and the needs of the present and the future”.

We are well aware that this way of operations gives high priority to the role of preservation of the local ecosystem, sustainability of the wellbeing of local communities, and guests – the possibility to become immersed in the wilderness, in harmony with its natural environment and also at peace with the host communities.


Since our inception, we’ve always understood our responsibility towards wildlife as the natural heritage of humankind: to live in harmony with the natural environment. We have to help in deepening the commitments towards sustainable development at all levels, from local to global.

At Oluokos, our commitment, passion, and dedication to responsible tourism go beyond the marketing terminology.

Our principal ethos is to consider communities as equal stakeholders and ultimate beneficiaries of our ecotourism venture. In spite of numerous bird species and the serenity of Lake Victoria, the lush highlands and forests, and the rich cultural diversity in Western Kenya, most of Western Kenya is still totally devoid of any protective presence.

This has created a gap the destruction of the habitats is pretty first pushing most of the species of birds, plants and the remnant wild animals to the edge of the local extinction. Upon the observation of this reality, we stepped in to fill the gaps in conservation through ecotourism.

We still believe that our priority is to conserve rather than to consume and even if we consume, then this MUST be done as ethically as possible and in the most responsible manner. Thus, the principles of sustainability in the Aderema Hills and the greater Maasai Mara ecosystem are our main goal in order to respect and nurture the essence of ecotourism. With this determination, we have affirmed to promote the pillars of eco-tourism within our operations in Aderema Hills and beyond ecosystems, and in its surroundings for a sustainable utilization of its natural resources, for the local community and the visitors.

We aim at doing this through Best Nature Initiatives that will be propelled through, education, social development, and through the protection of natural resources by purposeful practices for a greener future.


Preserving passionately for gains…

It’s wise not to forget that conservation-based travel only works if it benefits all, the host community very much MUST be included. As a responsible travel operator, we have since our inception been acutely aware of the role we play in ensuring that our trips have a long-term positive impact on the people for whom the destinations we use are home.

  • Habitat loss owing to deforestation: With the improvements of machinery in the wrong hands, and the abuse of the machinery, deforestation has greatly increased as a result of this. Concerns have been raised and the need to manage this must be highlighted as soonest.
  • Illegal Bush Fires: Heavily practiced by the communities, setting fires to hunt small or large animals as well as to clear forest for agricultural land is widespread and is leading to the loss of forest cover each year. There is a need to check on the illegal and irresponsible burning that often goes rampant during the dry season.
  • Shifting Cultivation: The old fashion of farming practice in the region involves moving from one ground to another and it has turned to be unsustainable to the environment as it leads to loss of both grasslands, forests, and woodland annually. Through zoning, this way of farming can be managed by a provision of well-demarcated agricultural zones. This is only possible through the proper development of a land-use plan for all the stakeholders.
  • Unsustainable Fishing: Out of concern overfishing is a major threat at present and especially with the future demand for commercialization, from the urban settlements within the vicinity of the lake and also coupled with the wrong/illegal fishing gears there could be pressure to fish species in the lake and its wetlands in the near future.

Offering Win-win Solutions...

  • Fragmentation of Land: This is a great contributor to the loss of wildlife habitats. Wildlife dispersal corriodrs  allow movement between isolated populations, promoting increased genetic diversity. They provide food and shelter for a variety of wildlife and help with juvenile dispersal and seasonal migrations.
  • Illegal/Unsustainable Resources Utilization: Both small, medium, and large birds and animals have become targets for bush meat. This practice is historically part of the traditions. But, in this modern life where man has learned to use sophisticated weapons, the results could be very devastating in the long run. Our ecosystems are already suffering from the low/zero numbers of some species namely; elephants, hippopotamus, bongo, and buffalo, as well as some primates. Please, read more about Oluokos, Beyond Parks Initiative



Ethically on land, waters and the jungle…

The operating model that has created a global tourism industry is dying and a new model is emerging. The rules of the game are being changed, right now. As visitor number surge, so do the costs associated with resource depletion, pollution and wealth creation/concentration.

If not checked, external pressures will require the travel economy to pay significantly more for services that hitherto have been free or relatively affordable. These cost increases will occur when reduced incomes and higher demand volatility are already compromising the resilience and profitability of existing travel businesses. Please, read more about Oluokos Low-impact Travel

Respect for Nature and People

In the context of day-to-day life at Oluokos, Consciousness is “the state of being aware of and responsive to one’s surroundings – as an organization and as individuals, including guests and our host communities.” This applies to what one does and why and how one lives and engages… It is not such a straightforward concept and is, therefore, possibly the most vital ‘C’ in the Oluokos Signature 5Cs concept.

Oluokos Signature conscious travel concept, allow our communities to offer a learning program that enable our destinations to attract and welcome guests in a manner that lowers our carbon footprint.

Having looked at the three elements of our destinations’ mix: Places, Guests and Hosts, the result is all about PEOPLE. If we change our values and our perception of how the world works, then everything else changes. Similarly, tourism is embedded in and dependent on a biosphere for its life support and this is what all humans and other living beings are dependent on.

How Can You Help?

There are so many ways how you can make a difference. We are on a mission to help make travel a force for good, but we can’t do it alone. Be inspired by our expert partners and join us on our journey towards a sustainable future.

Want to join our responsible tourism initiative?

We are open to partnerships from like-minded partners for us to safeguard our future together. Please, Become Our Conservation Partner

Wildlife Conservancies Around Maasai Mara
The Future of Wildlife in the Greater Maasai Mara...

Knowing the difference between the Maasai Mara and the neighbouring conservancies…

The neighbouring conservancies that surround the Maasai Mara act as buffer zones and also wildlife migration corridors between the Maasai Mara National Reserve and the surrounding community owned lands, where cattle graze year-round. While the Maasai Mara National Reserve  is the key area for the great wildebeest migration, there is also plentiful resident wildlife inside the reserve, that lives here year round and gains more space to roam with these adjacent conservancies.

Most of these wildlife conservancies belong to Maasai communities, private conservationists and some exist with leasing them to some top responsible safari companies they can create additional revenue while the land also is protected. It’s a win-win for nature and people! Please, read more about Wildlife Conservancies around the Maasai Mara


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